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5 Site contents ideas

Date: 03/10/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

You have a professionally designed website with all the necessary ingredients needed for a good site. Now you have to decide on the text contents on the website. This is to achieve higher search engine ranking and offering useful information for the site visitors. Here is a list containing some ideas on the copy part – 

1. Product information articles – you may think of placing some informative articles about product use. You may even place a ‘how to’ guide for the product being sold by you. 

2. News – you may place news items on the website. This news should be relevant to your products. It may either contain new technological breakthroughs or some interesting information about the technology used in the products. 

3. Tips – you may insert tips section in the website. This may include tips on using the products or troubleshooting basics. 

4. Interviews – use this section for publishing interviews of leading experts in the industry. You may even think of putting your customers’ interviews on this page. 

5. Off topic – off topic contents may range from jokes to quizzes. You may consider placing the jokes, quizzes, anecdotes, etc pertaining to your product portfolio. 

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