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Creating policies

Date: 04/20/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Policies are defined as standing instructions or guidelines to be followed by the organization members. Does a small business then need any policy framework? Yes, any business whether small or large, needs policies to guide their business on a day-to-day basis. Policies are usually written down for others to follow. Some of the day to day decisions are taken without any need for communication. For example, if an employee needs leaves for a certain period, there is no need to talk to the owner to take a decision about this. This comes under ‘programmable’ decision making and policies come in handy. 

Policies should be framed after consulting experienced personnel in the organization. Your own experience of business management should be put to use. Consult as many people of interest into this, particularly people from outside the organization. This brings in newer perspective to your organizational framework. Last but not the least caution of word – the policies should be forward looking, i.e., those should be written imagining the organization of tomorrow.

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