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Are you helpful enough?

Date: 08/27/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

There are two types of business firms, let’s say shops. We enter into shop A, and are greeted by the sales person. The person enquires about our need, and directs us to the relevant section of the shop. Same or other person now takes charge behind the desk and starts understanding our needs. He goes to an extent of ‘not’ selling the products out there because those products may not be totally suitable to you. As a customer, you may then decide to purchase or not purchase that product.

Enter shop B. The person greets you and takes you to concerned section. He then goes out of the way of convincing you to buy the product, even if it is not suitable to you. You end up buying the product, reach home, and after some usage you realize the futility of that product.

I am very sure, shop B is almost certainly out of your radar for your next purchase, and hop A is almost permanently carved out in your mindset. Which type of small business is yours? Even if you lose business the first time, you have been helpful enough to understand and recommend the correct product to your customer. Excellent lesson for a small business owner – be helpful to your customers and acquire their long term loyalty.

For more guidlines on such issues of small business visit a all state incorporation services. or call at 888-284-3821.