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What is affiliate program marketing?

Date: 08/30/2006 | Category: Business | Author: developers

Internet has brought around a sea change in the way marketing efforts are put in. While the basic principles of marketing have almost remained the same, the approach of achieving the objectives has taken a turn. For example, a small business used to pay for advertising in the earlier era. According to latest strategies of marketing, one needs to pay only when success is ‘performed’.

An affiliate is a party who has interest in selling your products for a ‘fee’. This fee is payable only when he has accrued some credits for you – those may be in the form of sales, clicks or leads. None of these, and he is not paid. Moreover, one is free to have as many affiliate without the need for any kind of ‘territorial’ segmentation. There are no minimum payments involved, and there are no guarantees. Your affiliates and commission structure in addition to salability of your product will decide the success of your marketing efforts. Affiliate program marketing has proved to be a hit among small business owners with little or almost nil resources available with them.

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