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Make some money on your failed business venture

Date: 10/06/2007 | Category: Marketing | Author: developers

There may come a time when you want to close down your business and your business website. However, if you have developed a website with a high ranking and a lot of content, you can convert the site into an advertising money maker.

There are several programs available, such as Adsense, which will enable you to earn money from your website without any effort on your part.

Click here for more info:


Simply remove the mentioning to your business, keep the content that visitors will find interesting and add the ads. Your old websites can continue earning a residual income for years. They won’t make you a millionaire but they will add to your bottom line. It’s just another reason for putting a lot of content up on your site.

Check my Adsense account. I use Adsense only on websites where I don’t do real business.


You can also sell text link ads. I learned later that I can even make more money on text link ads than Adsense. Even web site with just few visitors can make several hundreds a month in selling text link ads.

See my text link ads account.


I sell links mostly on pages where I can’t find any better monetization.

Click here for more information how to get started with selling text link ads: